Thursday, 14 June 2007

Blocks 3 and 4

As you read this, no doubt you are lying by the swimming pool in a 5 star hotel in Hawaii or Tahiti, while the sun beats down, the sea laps against the shore, palm trees wave their fronds gently in the breeze and handsome waiters or nubile waitresses serve you cool drinks. Your only thought is how to spend this leisurely day in peaceful self-indulgence. PTE is a long way away. But, spare a thought for your poor teacher and perhaps spend a minute or two thinking about the homework i.e. comment on the Frankenstein text, and there are a few notes here to help. Don't forget genre, purpose, tone, audience etc. Then write your own Gothic piece. Bit longer than before, more like 250-300. Think of the atmosphere, the vocab to be used. The theme. Look at the links to the characteristics of a gothic novel and bear those in mind when writing.
See you soon.

A few notes to assist you in the dreary accomplishment of your toils. These are by no means exhaustive, nor guaranteed as to their quality.

Diction (vocab) : The atmosphere being created is one of darkness, gloom, pain, dreariness, dread and fear.
State of mind: fear, guilt, dread of consequences of his action.
Sentence structure of 1st parag. sentences get longer, heightens feeling of doom, use of semi-colons slows down the pace, ratcheting up the tension. .
Purpose of 2nd parag. provides stark contrast between what Frankenstein’s intentions had been and what the reality of the creature is.
Frankenstein is seeking the sympathy of the reader. Is he successful in arousing this?
“Beautiful! Great God!” ironic. Heightening the guilt he feels.
“Horrid contrast” in his creation, between the beautiful thing he attempted to create and the hideous monster he actually created.
The nightmare sets a contrast with a romantic, idyllic view of the past, with his beautiful bride, and the present which is a situation of evil and horror.
How did you react to the passage? Remember to set this in its historical context.
What overall themes can you discern? Why the enduring popularity of this novel and why has the story been made into so many films.

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