Wednesday, 16 January 2008

A Useful Link for GP Essay Writing

New GP Topic Blocks 3 and 4. Abortion

Here is a summary of the arguments on each side of the abortion debate. In the USA the two sides are generally called "Pro-choice" who are for abortions and "Pro-life" who are against. The debate has often been quite heated and has on occasions led to violence, with some abortion clinics being targeted with bombs by extreme members of the Pro-life side.

What the Pro Choice (for abortion) side believe:

· The fetus is not a human, just a mass of tissue
· Abortion is safer than childbirth.
· Abortion is Safe
· Every child should be a wanted child.
· The number of abortions is relatively small.
· Nobody has the right to impose their morals on me.
· A woman should be able to control her own body.
· Abortion must be kept legal, especially for all the rape and incest pregnancies.
· If abortion is outlawed women will be forced to go to back-alley abortion clinics.
· Aborting unwanted children reduces the number of abused children.
· We need to remember that we are overpopulating the planet

What the Pro-Life (against abortion) side believe:

Pro-life people are diverse in economic status, race, religion, and education. Yet, they are unified by the concept that all humans, especially the innocent unborn, have an inherent right to life.
· I believe that the unborn child is human.
· I believe life begins at conception.
· I believe that abortion is not safe.
· I believe that abortion is a war on the unborn.
· I believe that the Roe v. Wade decision, legalizing abortion on demand in America, was one of the most important and devastating Supreme Court decisions.
· I believe that a constitutional amendment should be passed that gives equal protection to all living humans, including the unborn.
· I believe that the violence inside and outside abortion clinics is morally wrong.
· I believe that rape and incest are horrible crimes and should be punished, but I don't believe that a child conceived from either should be killed.
· I do not believe that the government should fund abortions.
· I do not believe that the government should fund Planned Parenthood - the largest national supplier of abortions.
· Being a religious person, I believe that the Bible backs up my views on abortion.

Have a look at these links

Saturday, 12 January 2008

GP Topic - Drug Abuse. Block 3 and 4

here's a couple of links that you might find useful for the research into the topic. This will help with the essay.